في إطار مشروع كفالة الأيتام، تستمر (NHD) في توزيع المبالغ المالية الشهرية للأطفال الأيتام المستهدفين في إطار المشروع، حيث تم استهداف “35” طفل في مديريتي بني الحارث وسنحان بأمانة العاصمة ومدينة المحويت.

يهدف هذا النشاط المساهمة في توفير الحياة الكريمة للأطفال الايتام، جدير بالذكر أن هذا النشاط يتم تنفيذه في مديرتي سنحان وبني الحارث بأمانة العاصمة بصورة شهرية منذ تأريخ 1/8/2019 ومايزال مستمر حتى الأن، وفي محافظة المحويت منذ تأريخ 1/1/2023 وحتى الان.

Ongoing Monthly Financial Support for Orphaned Children– Part of Orphan Sponsorship Project

As part of the Orphan Sponsorship project, NHD is committed to providing monthly financial support to orphaned children to help meet their essential needs. Currently, this assistance reaches “35” children in the Bani Al-Harith and Sanhan districts of Sana’a, as well as in Mahwit City. Through this initiative, NHD aims to help these children live with dignity, knowing they have reliable support in the absence of parental care.

The goal of this project is to provide a sense of stability and security for orphaned children, ensuring they have the resources needed to face everyday challenges. This monthly support enables them to access basic necessities and helps reduce some of the financial burden faced by their caregivers.

NHD’s support in Sana’a governorate began on August 1, 2019, and has continued without interruption since that time. For the children in Mahwit governorate, the project started on January 1, 2023, and remains ongoing, extending a helping hand to children who may otherwise struggle to meet their needs.

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